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2022 Office Design Trends

Over the last 18 months, office furniture trends have changed notably. Comfort, functionality, and efficiency are being prioritized now more than ever. This article will elaborate on the top 2022 office design trends that ultimately reflect these changing workspace preferences.


Elements of nature can be leveraged to increase well-being and productivity in any office space, regardless of whether or not your office includes an outdoor area. This means rows of desks and artificial lighting are out, and wood, bamboo, stone, fish tanks, and plants are in.

Even if your office doesn’t have much natural lighting, there are plenty of low-maintenance plants out there, such as the Cast Iron plant, the Dragon Tree, and Snake Plant.

Although increasing natural light isn’t always a choice, you can still focus on improving airflow and air quality by installing plants throughout the office, as well as air purifiers.

Biophilic design elements have been proven to reduce stress, enhance focus, increase productivity, and improve overall well-being.

Biophilic design
Biophilic office design

Comfort and Versatility

Many people have become accustomed to working from home in recent times and have gotten used to working from couches and even beds. However, most have adopted a hybrid approach and transition between both desks and more lounge-like seating. Adding beds to the office probably isn’t feasible, but couches and comfortable chairs provide a much-appreciated break from the traditional desk throughout the workday.

You can improve the well-being of your employees by creating a more flexible workplace that can masterfully accommodate all kinds of workplace situations and change things up. More casual office areas and practices such as unassigned workstations, café areas, and lounge areas will help create a more dedicated, appreciative workforce.

The strategic use of color is another way to create a more inviting workspace. Grounding, neutral colors (off-whites, tans, and beiges) instantly make an office feel more comfortable and home-like.

The more you do to make your office comfortable, versatile, inviting, and warm, the more it will put those who work within it at ease and make them more apt to do their best work. Warm lighting, curtains, and plush carpeting can also go a long way when it comes to creating a pleasant workplace ambiance.

Although more avant-garde comfort-related upgrades are trendy, few methods compare to ergonomic desks and chairs when it comes to optimizing overall productivity at the office.

Office lounge seating
Office lounge seating


Our daily habits massively impact the environment, and people of all walks of life are becoming more conscious of how seemingly small improvements can go a long way. There are plenty of ways to make your office more environmentally friendly, the most obvious of which is to pay attention to how the materials are sourced and what they’re made of.

Office lighting is another ‘low hanging fruit’ office upgrade to improve energy efficiency and create a more sustainable workplace. Aside from natural light, LED lighting is your best option. Not only are these options more energy-efficient, but they’ve also been shown to boost employee productivity.

Many consider fluorescent lights to be energy efficient, but they come with several downsides. For starters, they have been linked to migraines, eye strain and inflammation, difficulty reading or focusing, nausea, feelings of anxiety and depression, disrupted sleep patterns, and can even trigger seizures in those with epilepsy.

Office LED lighting
Energy-saving office LED lighting

Noise Reduction

Ergonomy and strategic optimization in all areas of life are customary nowadays. Needless to say, excess noise is detrimental to any productive office space. Multiple studies have shown that too much noise in the office can seriously reduce productivity and increase stress, not to mention lower job satisfaction and employee morale.

Easiest ways to dampen workplace sound:


When it comes to office flooring, concrete, porcelain, and ceramic are the most notorious for creating unwanted noise pollution. Better alternatives would include carpet, engineered hardwood, and LVT flooring thanks to their sound-absorption qualities.

Quiet Spaces

While empty conference rooms can be repurposed as a quiet space, more companies are incorporating dedicated quiet spaces into their offices to serve as a work sanctuary. For example, glass-encased 100% sound-proof office cubes are growing in popularity.

Glass-encased quiet space
Glass-encased soundproof quiet space

Sound-absorbing furniture

To complement the second talking point of this article, more voluminous, complementary office furniture such as couches, chairs, wall partitions, and cabinetry can go a long way when it comes to absorbing sound. As far as office desks are concerned, enclosed booths are your best bet.


Apart from their air-purifying and aesthetic benefits, office plants can also absorb noise. The larger the plant, the greater the noise reduction. Green walls are also a popular, emerging office trend that provides several workplace benefits.

Panels and Cubicle Desk Systems

Panels and cubicle systems are mostly known to provide space definition, reducing visual distractions. However, they also combat workplace noise pollution. Choose from a variety of sizes and colors.

Acoustic wall panels and freestanding panels

Acoustic wall panes, as well as freestanding panels, are effective when it comes to dampening sound, the latter of which also provides the added benefit of space definition.

In Conclusion

2022 office design trends mostly revolve around health, sustainability, aesthetics, comfort, and functionality, and these trends are likely here to stay.

The office furniture and accessories to accommodate these trending workplace modifications are not only accessible but vital to ensure productivity and well-being among workforces in this day and age.

Feel free to check out our large selection of state-of-the-art, customizable office furniture, and don’t hesitate to reach out to us for any questions or concerns when it comes to workplace design or best practices!
