
白色小型办公桌 - 无框架,带 U 型腿

  • 超过 50,620 商业级产品
  • 两个大型仓库 多伦多
  • 订单满 1000 即可享受免费本地配送
  • 订单超过 10,000 件可免费组装
尺寸: 宽41.3" x 长23.6" x 高29.5"
1 x 书桌/台面
宽41.3" x 长23.6" x 高1"
1 x 移动底座
宽15.7" x 长18.7" x 高25.6"
2 x U 形腿
宽23" x 长4" x 高28.6"
Discover the perfect office table to elevate your workspace in the vibrant toronto gta area. our latest blog post delves into the latest trends, styles, and functionalities of office furniture that cater to both aesthetics and productivity. whether you're a remote worker, a startup entrepreneur, or a corporate professional, finding the right office table can significantly enhance your work environment. explore our curated selection of innovative designs, sustainable materials, and ergonomic features that not only inspire creativity but also promote well-being. join us as we guide you through the best options available in the toronto gta, ensuring your office reflects your unique style while maximizing efficiency. transform your workspace today and make a lasting impression!
在我们最新的博客文章中,找到选择完美双人办公桌的终极指南!无论您是与同事共享工作空间,还是创建高效的家庭办公环境,我们都提供专家提示,帮助您选择合适的办公桌,以促进协作和效率。探索适合双人工作空间的各种风格、布局和功能,确保舒适性和功能性。从 L 形设计到宽敞的矩形选项,我们涵盖了您需要了解的一切,以创建一个鼓舞人心且井然有序的双人工作区。利用我们丰富的见解,将您的办公室变成创意和团队合作的中心!
通过我们最新的 U 形工作站博客文章探索生产力的未来!这些创新的工作空间专为现代专业人士设计,将风格与功能相结合,创造出一个促进创造力和效率的环境。探索 U 形布局的好处,从增强协作到优化组织,并了解如何提升您的家庭或办公室设置。无论您是远程工作者还是充满活力的团队的一员,我们的见解都将帮助您利用设计的力量来改变您的工作体验。立即深入了解并重新定义您的工作空间!
Discover the perfect centerpiece for your corporate meetings with our latest blog post on large boardroom tables. explore a curated selection of exquisite designs that blend functionality with sophistication, ideal for fostering collaboration and inspiring creativity in any professional setting. from timeless wood finishes to modern glass options, our guide highlights the essential features and styles that elevate your boardroom's aesthetic. join us as we delve into the art of choosing the right table that not only enhances your workspace but also leaves a lasting impression on clients and colleagues alike. transform your meetings into memorable experiences with the elegance of a beautifully crafted boardroom table.