
白色共享矩形办公室隔间面板系统,带悬挂抽屉,可容纳 5 人

  • 超过 50,620 商业级产品
  • 两个大型仓库 多伦多
  • 订单满 1000 即可享受免费本地配送
  • 订单超过 10,000 件可免费组装
  • 3年保修
5 x 书桌/台面
宽70.9" x 长29.5" x 高1"
5 x 悬挂底座
宽15.6" x 长18.9" x 高17.3"
15 x 带玻璃面板
宽23.6" x 长0.8" x 高59.1"
6 x 带玻璃面板
宽29.5" x 长0.8" x 高59.1"
2 x 双向连接器
宽0.8" x 长0.8" x 高59.1"
4 x 3路连接器
宽0.8" x 长0.8" x 高59.1"
6 x 连接器侧盖
宽0.4" x 长0.4" x 高59.1"
Discover the versatility and charm of a 6x4 table in our latest blog post! whether you're looking to enhance your dining area, create a cozy workspace, or add a statement piece to your living room, a 6x4 table offers the ideal solution. we explore the myriad of styles, materials, and designs available, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your home. learn how to maximize your space, incorporate stunning decor, and choose the right accessories to complement your new table. join us as we delve into the world of furniture that marries practicality with aesthetic appeal, making your home a true reflection of your style. don’t miss out on tips and inspiration that will elevate your interior design game!
在我们最新的博客文章中探索 2x4 桌子无与伦比的魅力和多功能性!这件必不可少的家具将质朴的优雅与现代的功能相结合,使其成为任何家庭的完美中心。无论您是举办晚宴还是享受安静的家庭聚餐,2x4 桌子都能提供坚固而时尚的解决方案,以适应您的生活方式。加入我们,探索创新的设计理念、DIY 技巧以及个性化 2x4 桌子的无数方法,确保它在未来几年成为您家中备受喜爱的固定装置。用这种无与伦比的工艺和创造力的融合提升您的空间!
In the modern landscape of productivity, the executive office chair stands as a symbol of both authority and comfort. this blog post delves into the profound impact that a well-designed office chair can have on your work environment. we explore the intricate balance between ergonomic support and aesthetic appeal, highlighting how the right chair not only enhances posture but also inspires creativity and focus. join us as we uncover the essential features of executive office chairs, their role in fostering a productive atmosphere, and tips for selecting the perfect piece that reflects your professional identity. transform your workspace into a sanctuary of comfort and style, where every moment spent seated is a step towards success.
Discover the future of workspace organization with our latest blog post on office lockers! gone are the days of cluttered desks and chaotic environments. our revolutionary office lockers are designed to transform your workplace into a haven of productivity and style. explore cutting-edge features that enhance security, maximize space, and promote a seamless work-life balance. whether you're a startup looking to optimize your office layout or an established company aiming to refresh your workspace, our innovative lockers offer the perfect blend of functionality and modern design. join us as we delve into the benefits of these game-changing storage solutions and redefine what it means to work smart!