
Heinne Holz L 字型モジュール式受付デスクと可動式引き出し

  • 以上 50,620 商用グレードの製品
  • 2つの大きな倉庫 トロント
  • 1,000 円以上のご注文で地域配送無料
  • 10,000円以上のご注文で無料組み立て
  • 3年保証
サイズ: W47.2" x L79" x H43.5"
色: グレー, ハイネ・ホルツ
1 x 受付
W47.2" x L35.7" x H41.5"
1 x 受付返却
W23.6" x L41.9" x H40.6"
1 x 可動台座
W15.7" x L18.7" x H25.6"
1 x カウンタートップ
W47.2" x L11.8" x H1"
1 x カウンターフロント
W35.4" x L33.5" x H13.2"
In the modern workspace, the right office furniture transcends mere functionality; it becomes a catalyst for creativity, collaboration, and productivity. our latest blog post delves into the profound impact that thoughtfully designed office furniture can have on both individual performance and team dynamics. explore how ergonomic chairs, versatile desks, and innovative storage solutions not only enhance comfort but also inspire innovation and foster a culture of well-being. join us as we uncover the art of creating an environment that nurtures ambition and drives success, proving that the essence of a thriving workplace lies in its furnishings. discover how the right pieces can transform your office into a sanctuary of inspiration and efficiency.
Discover the allure of black countertops in our latest blog post! this resourceful guide explores the versatility and sophistication that black surfaces bring to any kitchen or bathroom. from classic granite to sleek quartz, we delve into the various materials, styles, and finishes available, helping you choose the perfect option for your home. learn about maintenance tips, design inspirations, and how to pair black countertops with different cabinetry and decor styles. whether you're renovating or simply seeking inspiration, our insights will empower you to make informed decisions that elevate your space. embrace the beauty of black countertops and transform your home into a stylish sanctuary!
最新のブログ記事で、ダーク ウォルナット家具の時代を超えた優雅さを発見してください。デザイナーや住宅所有者の間でウォルナットが人気である理由である、豊かで深みのある色合いとユニークな木目模様を詳しく見てみましょう。クラシックからコンテンポラリー スタイルまで、ダーク ウォルナットの作品の汎用性を探り、この贅沢な木材を自宅のインテリアに取り入れる方法についてのヒントを紹介します。大胆な主張をしたい場合でも、温かみのある居心地の良い雰囲気を作りたい場合でも、私たちの洞察は、ダーク ウォルナット家具の美しさを受け入れるきっかけとなるでしょう。この素晴らしい素材と、あらゆる空間を洗練された聖域に変えるその能力を称賛する私たちの記事にご参加ください。
In the competitive world of legal services, the reception area serves as the gateway to your firm’s identity. our latest blog post delves into the significance of choosing the right reception desk for law firms, highlighting how this crucial piece of furniture can elevate your office's professionalism and client experience. discover the key features that make a reception desk not just functional, but a powerful statement of your brand's values. from sleek designs that exude modernity to classic styles that convey trust and stability, we explore how the right reception desk can enhance your firm's image and set the tone for every client interaction. join us as we guide you through the essentials of selecting a reception desk that not only meets your practical needs but also leaves a lasting impression on your clients.